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Ultra easy lemon cookies

Ingredients :
150 grams of flour

100 grams of butter

1 untreated lemon

1 egg200 grams of powdered sugar

1/2 teaspoon baking powder

Préparations :

STEP 1Preheat the oven to th 6 (180°),

Cover your baking tray with baking paper2ND STEPMix the soft butter with the sugar and add the egg, stir well,

then add the flour little by little and the yeast.

STEP 3Using a grater, rub the skin of the lemon, If necessary cut with a knife to obtain a very fine zest, Squeeze the lemon and pour the juice as well as the zest into the paste, Stir.
STEP 4Make small piles spaced out on the plate, Cook for 10 minsEnjoy!

